Prosecutor Juan Martinez exhibited an aggravated style of questioning to Jodi Arias during the trial for the murder of her boyfriend, Travis Alexander, on Wednesday. The prosecutor wanted the murder suspect to confess that she willingly had kinky sex with the victim.

Jodi Arias was charged for the murder of Travis Alexander in his Mesa, Arizona home back in June 2008. According to Jodi, what happened was only self defense because her boyfriend attacked her but the police stated the crime was planned due to a jealous rage.

The Arizona murder trial happened in less than an hour. During that period of time, prosecutor Juan Martinez focused on the raunchy text messages exchanged between Arias and Alexander on February 25, 2008.

The intention of showing the raunchy text messages is to convince the jury that Jodi Arias was willing to take part in the sexual activities she had with her boyfriend. "Maybe u could give my a** a much-needed pounding," the text message read. Another text message sent from Alexander to Arias read: "I want to f**k you like a dirty, horny little school girl."

At the trial, Jodi Arias admitted that she enjoyed and even initiated some of the raunchy sex acts with her boyfriend which contradicts her previous statement that Travis Alexander forced her to perform them. Jodi further added that she only gave in to the victim's erotic fantasies in order to please him but she felt like a prostitute.

Prosecutor Martinez also questioned Jodi Arias over the constant changes of story stated to the authorities, family and friends just days after she murdered Travis Alexander. The prosecutor mentioned in court that Jodi's statement changes whenever she speaks to several media organizations.

"I couldn't keep my stories straight," Arias stated. Initially, Jodi claimed she knew nothing about the murder then blamed it on two masked people who attacked them before finally settling on the self-defense story.

Prosecutor Martinez further noted in court Jodi's capability to provide contradicting statements. Jodi Arias described Travis Alexander as a caring and loving boyfriend but later on revealed that he is a womanizer with a violent temper where she was even choked into unconsciousness.

Meanwhile, the Jodi Arias murder trial is scheduled to resume on Thursday at 12:30 p.m. Eastern time where the cross-examination on the murder suspect will continue. Jodi Arias, 32, could be sentenced with the death penalty if found guilty on the crime.