"One of Taylor Swift's ex-boyfriends should write a song called, 'Maybe you're the problem,'" a popular online meme reads. And just like that, John Mayer has responded. The 35-year-old singer has decided to do the honour of being the first of the young songstress' former boyfriends to write about her in a song.

Taylor Swift meme

Aside from being a talented and award-winning singer, Swift is known for getting back at her exes by trashing them in her songs. It was cute at first, but after a few songs, she has come across as childish and even bitter, or so say the online memes mocking her.

Swift, 23, famously wrote "Dear John" to express her wrath after an ex-boyfriend, presumably Mayer whom she dated in the summer prior, broke up with her when she was just 19.

Mayer admitted he was humiliated when she sang about him, telling Rolling Stone last year, "I will say as a songwriter that I think it's kind of cheap songwriting. I know she's the biggest thing in the world, and I'm not trying to sink anybody's ship, but I think it's abusing your talent to rub your hands together and go, 'Wait till he gets a load of this!' That's bull****."

Well apparently, he has stopped being humiliated and has gotten back to fighting action with his new song "Paper Doll."

The lyrics of his brand new single appear like they are replying to Swift's own lyrics. The song also appears to reference words associated with the younger singer, such as "22" (Swift's song from "red"), a scarf (from her "All Too Well"), and "Someone's gonna paint you another sky," from her "Dear John" lyrics, "You paint me a blue sky and go back and turn it to rain."

Here's another possible reference from Mayer's song:

"Paper doll, come try it on

Step out of that black chiffon

Here's a dress of gold and blue

Sure was fun being good to you"

Which may be his answer to Swift's:

"Dear John, I see it all now that you're gone

Don't you think I was too young to be messed with?

The girl in the dress cried the whole way home"

He mentioned something about running:

"You're like twenty-two girls in one

And none of them know what they're running from

Was it just too far to fall?

For a little paper doll"

That's probably because she also mentioned about running away:

"Well, maybe it's just me and my blind optimism to blame

Or maybe it's you and your sick need to give love then take it away

And you'll add my name to your long list of traitors who don't understand

And I'll look back and regret how I ignored when they said run as fast as you can"

Mayer released the song with a music video starring online viral star Joanna Rohrback of the Prancercise fame. The entire video sees Rohrback "prancercising" on the street to his song.

Swift hasn't responded yet to her ex-boyfriend's alleged diss, but knowing how she normally fights back, Mayer should anticipate another vengeance song about him.

Do you think that Mayer's new song is about Swift?