'Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom': Going back for sentimental reasons

The main plot of “Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom” focuses on the age-old moral and ethical dilemma: should human beings interfere with nature? The island in which the dinosaurs are currently living is about to explode, and humanity is faced with the question of whether they should save the creatures there.
The first full trailer of the movie (see below) shows the mathematician Ian Malcolm (Jeff Goldblum), who disapproved of the very first dinosaur park, testifying in front of what appears to be a Senate hearing. The question he has to answer is whether or not a team should go back to the island to save the dinosaurs. The chaos theorist continues to advocate against any form of intervention, warning that such actions could lead to human extinction.
Claire Dearing (Bryce Dallas Howard) will be leading the team back to the park, but she needs her old friend Owen Grady (Chris Pratt) to accompany her. The two meet at a bar; the dinosaur trainer already knows what the meeting is all about. Eventually, he will agree to join as a young dinosaur called Blue, which Owen raised, is still alive and well at the park.
So it is for the sentimental reason of saving a dinosaur that Owen will agree to go back. The Velociraptor is all grown up, but it may still remember its human friend from all those years ago.
The all-too-familiar Rexy, the T-Rex from the 2015 film, will be back in the sequel. Claire and Owen may help the injured dinosaur, and it will once again be of tremendous help when it comes to fighting off the predators.
The mission in “Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom” appears to be the capture of many dinosaurs to transport them safely to another location. The added danger, though, seems to be that active volcano on the island.
Credit: Universal Pictures/YouTube