Canadian pop singer Justin Bieber lifts his T-shirt, while in police custody in Miami Beach, Florida January 23, 2014 in this Miami Beach Police Department handout released to Reuters on March 4, 2014. Bieber was charged with driving under the influence,
Canadian pop singer Justin Bieber lifts his T-shirt, while in police custody in Miami Beach, Florida January 23, 2014 in this Miami Beach Police Department handout released to Reuters on March 4, 2014. Bieber was charged with driving under the influence, resisting arrest and using an expired license after Miami Beach police say they caught him drag racing on January 23. Bieber pleaded not guilty to the charges. REUTERS/Miami Beach Police Dept./Handout via Reuters REUTERS/Miami Beach Police Dep

Justin Bieber has been accused of egging his neighbour's house. The pop singer is expected to be charged for the criminal act but he may not face any trial.

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According to TMZ sources, Howard Weitzman, Bieber's lawyer, was contacted by the L.A. County D.A. He was asked to arrange a meeting to have a discussion over the damage caused by the egging incident. The damages caused by Bieber egging his neighbour's house are valued $20,000; his neighbour claims.

TMZ emphasised that the meeting would mainly focus on the payment of the damage amount. If the money is paid, there would be pleading no contest to misdemeanour vandalism. The pop sensation does not have to serve any jail time and will be on informal probation, TMZ reported. The meeting, if successful, will nip the case in the bud as it is going to be over even before it may start.

According to TMZ sources from the L.A. County Sheriff's Department and the D.A., there seems to be a conflict about the case between departments. While the sherriff insists on Bieber being charged with a felony, the D.A. does not agree. The D.A. disagrees with the sheriff, claiming that Bieber's act deserved to be charged with a felony since it was intentional and caused damage worth a significant amount. The D.A. does not think Bieber's act is severe enough. A misdemeanour charge may be more appropriate.

Mr Weitzman is yet to hold a meeting with the D.A., but the meeting is expected to take place any time. The case may well be resolved next week as $20,000 is pretty ordinary an amount for Bieber to "buy" informal probation. He may not prefer facing another legal action against him while he is already in the middle of a DUI case.

On the other hand, one may wonder what really goes in Bieber's mind when he does such childish act like egging his neighbour's house.