Canadian pop singer Justin Bieber
Canadian pop singer Justin Bieber arrives for amfAR's Cinema Against AIDS 2014 event in Antibes during the 67th Cannes Film Festival May 22, 2014. REUTERS/Benoit Tessier REUTERS

Justin Bieber finds himself in trouble again after a video posted in the British tabloid, The Sun, revealed the pop star using the N-word in a racist joke.

In the video, Bieber who was then 15 started a racist joke "Why are black people afraid of chain saws?"

He then answers his own question with "Run n*****, n*****, n*****, n*****," he says, imitating the sound of a chain saw. Then he laughs.

According to TMZ, they retrieved the video four years ago but decided against posting it since Bieber was still very young then. Also, he had reportedly immediately apologised to his friends after saying the racist joke, knowing that what he did was stupid. However, The Sun apparently has not received the memo against posting the video. According to E!, the video with Bieber telling a racist joke was reportedly shot backstage at a promotional event while Bieber was filming his "Never Say Never" documentary in 2011.

Apparently, Justin Bieber has to apologise once again for the racist joke since the video has spread on various websites and had caused uproar. According to CNN, Bieber was in damage control on Sunday after the video was leaked, and feels that an apology was in order. Likewise, E! reports that following the release of the video, Justin Bieber released a heartfelt statement to the Associated Press to apologise-again- for what he had said five years ago.

"As a kid, I didn't understand the power of certain words and how they can hurt," Bieber started.

"I thought it was ok to repeat hurtful words and jokes, but didn't realize at the time that it wasn't funny and that in fact my actions were continuing the ignorance," he continued.

Bieber then thanks his friends and families who helped him learn from his mistakes and apologise for those he had wronged.

"Thanks to friends and family I learned from my mistakes and grew up and apologised for those wrongs. Now that these mistakes from the past have become public I need to apologise again to all those I have offended. I'm very sorry."

Justin Bieber continued his lengthy apology for the racist joke by admitting that he takes his friendships with people of all cultures seriously. He then once again apologised for offending or hurting anyone with his childish and inexcusable mistake.

"I was a kid then and I am a man now who knows my responsibility to the world and to not make that mistake again. Ignorance has no place in our society and I hope the sharing of my faults can prevent others from making the same mistake in the future. I thought long and hard about what I wanted to say, but telling the truth is always what's right. Five years ago I made a reckless and immature mistake and I'm grateful to those close to me who helped me learn those lessons as a young man. Once again....I'm sorry."

Justin Bieber reportedly took to his Twitter account following the incident and said "It is hard to defend myself and my privacy every moment of the day. Then to see rumours. The truth will set u free."

Justin Bieber may have been sincere when he apologised for the racist joke in the video, however let's read what Twitter fans have to say about his apology.

Justin's apology is appropriate but he's not racist. So he told a racist joke when he was a kid...I did too. Move on.

— mrs. jdb (@BieberDynamic) June 2, 2014

i am so damn proud of Justin for owning up and apologizing. he truly represents a mature man and a role model. — lifesaver follows (@ohstratfordking) June 1, 2014

bieber doesn't owe an apology for something he said 4 years ago lmaoo

— KOBE IS THE G.O.A.T (@sweatergawd_) June 1, 2014

Yo Justin Bieber, we don't accept your apology: — Noisey (@NoiseyMusic) June 2, 2014

@YahooCelebUK maybe so but he should just stop saying and doing stupid things so he doesn't have to apologise anymore...he's no longer a kid

— Mel Rodwell (@rodders85) June 2, 2014

@JustJared @justinbieber You still need to grow up! — Thomasina Epperly (@brokenangel113) June 1, 2014