Justin Bieber gets a tattoo inked on his stomach with the word, "Forgive" while flying over 40,000 mile up aboard a plane, TMZ reports. Is this another big gesture of the singer for his on-again girlfriend Selena Gomez? Is the young singer actually asking the "Come and Get It" singer to forgive him for all his erroneous ways and wanting this forgiveness so bad he had to express it right on his gut and on top of the world?

According to TMZ, Justin Bieber got a fresh tattoo during a flight to Canada just 5 days after being arrested at Miami Beach. The inking was carried out by no other than New York City tattoo artist, Bang Bang, who had inked a number of renowned celebrities such as Rihanna, Katy Perry and even Selena Gomez, the girl of the hour herself.

Bang Bang himself got curious of the tattoo and the logic behind it, so he asked Justin to explain. Bang Bang says Bieber had texted him that "[f]orgiveness is powerful, forgive as Jesus died on the cross to forgive our sins." Justin did not mention Selena but people cannot help but wonder. After all, Selena is one of the people he really should ask forgiveness from. Then there's Usher, the paparazzi....

Whoever he is asking forgiveness from, he probably deserves it for having the tattoo done up that high and even during a terrible turbulence. According to Bang Bang, Bieber's tattoo is "the most difficult tattoo I've ever done for sure."

If he is doing it for Selena, then Selena deserves the big gesture for sure. While they have been stuck on each other since reconciling, acting as if they cannot get enough of each other, posting racy pictures on Instagram and reportedly sexting through Skype when not together, the two have undergone really rough patches before, leading to their breaking up in the first place. Selena also had to choose Justin over Taylor Swift, her BFF, after being served an ultimatum from the "Red" singer to ditch Bieber or ditch her.