Justin Bieber knows exactly how to put up a show even if he isn't on stage performing in front of squealing fans. The "Mistletoe" singer made quite a ruckus when he decided to go shirtless while enjoying a quick skating break.

The Bieber locked up at the studio Hit Factory at Miami where he's said to collaborate a few creations with Lil' Wayne. Though working hard is one of Justin Bieber's feats, being a teenager and all the kid wanted and needed a bit of a break.

What better way to kick back and relax than to do it on a skateboard and shirtless?

Hoards of Beliebers were out watching the 17-year old show his ramp moves and they had no qualms screaming all about it. Justin, who was obviously used to the attention and not to mention ear-splitting screams of his fans, continued skating back and forth on the ramp which of course delighted a few fans.

The singer ruled the ramp with only red track pants and a black-knit hat.

The screaming did not stop until Bieber finally put his shirt back on. Before making his way inside the studio, Justin waved to his fans bringing an even deafening screams to erupt. It just proves that there really is no cure for Bieber Fever as stated by his girlfriend, Selena Gomez, in her interview on the March issue of Cosmopolitan.

Fans have seen him like this in many pictures on the web, but seeing him shirtless while skating might have been an even better experience for Miami Beliebers.

Now that he's back in the studio, fans are not only waiting for another shirtless move but of course patiently waiting for the newest hit songs he's yet to release in his next album with the title, "Believe."

This could have been an inspiration from his fans named "Beliebers" or a love found in his girlfriend of one year, Selena Gomez. Whatever his inspiration might be, Justin Bieber still has got fans waiting on his every move.