Justin Bieber may have no qualms on cheating on Selena Gomez, but for now, life is worth living again because Selena is in it. In a new song posted by the Forbes Number 1 Overexposed Celebrity on Instagram on March 15, Justin appears to be on cloud nine for winning Gomez over again.

Saying he is basking on Selena's love and calling Taylor a bitter, envious girl for not understanding this love are not enough for Bieber to express his joy over Selena's return to his life. He lets the world hear this joy on his recent Instagram video post.

The 'Love Me' singer, did not let legal troubles affect him nor haters hinder him from expressing his happiness that he is now reunited with the "Come and Get It" singer. Selena Gomez, who has been equally vocal about her feelings to Justin Bieber, especially against supposedly-BFF, Taylor Swift, will certainly be elated.

Selena Gomez now appears to love every minute she spent with Justin Bieber and is planning to spend more time with him. She is not going to let haters, an icy feud with best friend, legal troubles, and even something as trivial as distance affect her relationship with her on-off and on-again boyfriend Justin Bieber. Even though Justin currently resides in Atlanta, Hollywood Life reports that the singer actress has no qualms of traveling just to see her boyfriend.

"They will continue to visit each other," Hollywood Life reports. "They will continue to be around each other and if it is Atlanta or anywhere else, reaching a destination will not be a problem."

Aside from the distance, Selena Gomez has also been reported to be willing to go against her own parents' wishes to be with Justin Bieber. According to Hollywood Life again, the actress understands that her parents and friends might be disappointed with her for moving back to a said toxic relationship, but Gomez couldn't care less.

"Selena kept this from everyone because she knows how much her friends and family disapprove, they think Justin's bad news and would have tried to put a stop to this," Hollywood Life shared.

Seeing how the singer-actress is set to do everything in her power to make the reunion with Justin Bieber last, it comes as a no surprise that the most controversial celebrity is now on cloud nine and can sing about it.