After all the controversies he had gone through, Justin Bieber can breathe a little sigh of relief. The verdict already came out on the cellphone robbery case he reportedly committed. He will no longer see the insides of the jail anytime soon nor face a felony case attached to his name, CNN reported. This good news come amidst reports that he and Selena Gomez are back together again!

Despite a woman's adamant claim the Canadian singer tried to steal her phone in the previous month, the Los Angeles County District Attorney does not think the case does not warrant felony prosecution.

Accordingly, Bieber will not be facing any felony charges. CNN noted it has obtained a document stating the incident that transpired at a miniature golf course on May 12 "does not warrant felony prosecution."

But the pop star still cannot be that complacent. The case will now be sent to the Los Angeles city attorney to determine if Bieber will be still charged with a misdemeanor, according to CNN.

When the woman accussed Bieber trying to steal her phone, Bieber quickly took to Twitter to air his side.

He tweeted, "It is hard to defend myself and my privacy every moment of the day ... The truth will set u free."

A source who's close to the "One Less Lonely Girl" singer said the incident did not happen.

"Justin was just enjoying hanging out with friends at the batting cage and playing mini-golf," the source told CNN. "This just wasn't a big deal."

"The woman didn't stand out," the source said.

"There were plenty of people taking pictures, some more aggressive than others ... which is totally normal. ... This is another example of someone making an issue where there isn't one."

Probably making the case more in favor of Justin was the fact that no one saw any type of commotion that day at the time the woman described.

None of the nine park employees interviewed by police said they saw "any kind of physical altercation or tug-of-war," the report said.

No security cameras were in a position to capture the reported crime scene. With this, Bieber's luck may be turning around.