Handout shows Canadian pop singer Justin Bieber in police custody in Miami Beach, Florida
Canadian pop singer Justin Bieber is pictured in police custody in Miami Beach, Florida January 23, 2014 in this Miami Beach Police Department handout released to Reuters on March 4, 2014. Bieber was charged with driving under the influence, resisting arrest and using an expired license after Miami Beach police say they caught him drag racing on January 23. Bieber pleaded not guilty to the charges. REUTERS/Miami Beach Police Dep

Justin Bieber loves Selena Gomez and will do everything for her, even if it means shutting out the other people who cares about them, especially about the "Come and Get It" singer. Justin Bieber's coming and getting it, alright.

A source of Hollywood Life shares that Justin truly loves Selena Gomez. "He loves her smile and likes all the time, especially all this make-up time, that they're having." Asked what Justin Bieber is going to do about those who do not want a reunion between him and Selena Gomez happens, those who believe their relationship is a toxic one and those who believe Gomez deserves better, the source shares, "He can't control how her family and friends feel about him and Selena," and "He's not even going to try. He's just going about his days with her, and loving and basking in every second of it."

Certainly not the words to bring Justin brownie points from the friends and family of Selena Gomez.

However, Selena Gomez herself might be feeling the same way, if the news after news of them going out and making out has any bearing.

While Selena and Justin have been 'basking in their love for each other', someone is hating. Taylor Swift has been bristling over Selena's apparent decision to choose her bad boy ex over her BFF, Taylor. They were once so close to each other that Taylor Swift labelled Gomez "the closest thing I have to a sister"!

Taylor Swift was quick to intervene when she smelled an impending reunion between the two famous singer actors and stated an ultimatum to Gomez: ditch the bad boy or kiss their friendship goodbye. The fact that Justin still gets to bask in Selena's love, with a video of them dirty dancing as evidence to boot, just means Selena already made her decision. Taylor Swift has to ditch her best friend as a result. Overreacting? Who can say?

To leave your best friend for a guy means that guy is someone special. Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez have yet to officially confirm their reunion as boyfriend and girlfriend, but Justin Bieber has already been way too cocky and confidence for anyone to think otherwise. Selena Gomez on the other hand, just looks too gorgeous every time she appears on a commercial shoot or a concert that no one can doubt she is in love.