Singer Justin Bieber performs during his Latin America tour concert at the Jockey Club in Asuncion. November 6, 2013.

The inner child - err, spoiled brat - in 19-year-old Canadian singer Justin Bieber surfaced on Wednesday morning when he drew graffiti on the walls of the tennis court of the QT Hotel in Surfer's Paradise, Gold Coast in Australia.

He used spray cans to make Pacman-style ghosts colourful monsters, faces without bodies and a creature that looks like Spongebob Squarepants.

News of Bieber's artistic renditions sent Aussie teens flocking to the tennis court to view his masterpieces. Justin is in Australia for eight concerts as part of his Believe Tour. He is seen shirtless and groping his crotch while singing Baby in this video clip.


He then posted the photos of his Bieberfiti on his Instagram account which has close to 500,000 followers.

Justin made the graffiti on early Wednesday morning, right after his first concert on Tuesday night in Brisbane. There is still a question if the area he sprayed paint is a designated graffiti zone or he might have broken the law by vandalising property.

His publicists declined to comment on Justin's latest misbehavior, which carries with it a penalty of seven years prison term if he indeed broke the law, while the hotel which owns the tennis court had also refused to comment.

In Bogota, Colombia, he did the same thing and an arrest warrant was issued.

YouTube/Hollywood Life

Maybe Bieber is still under the impression that his graffiti is welcomed like what happened in Los Angeles where his spray painting on a wall was auctioned and the money raised to be donated to victims of super typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines, reported TMZ.

Meanwhile, in what appears to be almost a repeat of what happened in Brazil, where Bieber was thrown out of a brothel, Justin could have been kicked out of the Langham Hotel in Auckland, New Zealand, had he violated a contract he signed to follow the establishment's rules in proper decorum.

YouTube/My Hotel Advice

Bieber had one concert in New Zealand before he flew to Australia on Tuesday. The hotel prohibited Bieber from bringing women to his suite and from dining at its banquet room. He was also ordered not to party so as not to disturb the other guests, on the threat of being thrown out of the hotel which stressed it did not care if the Canadian teen idol is a celebrity.

Daily Star reported that Bieber agreed to the hotel's tough rules for lack of available alternatives that would match Langham's security.