Canadian singer Justin Bieber is the latest Hollywood celebrity to add his voice against bullying. Justin has recorded a video message for the anti-bullying campaign of It Gets Better Project.

In the video, Bieber directly adresses his anti-bullying message to bullies, saying that it is "not cool" to pick on people, while encouraging those who had fallen victim to bullying to reach out for help.

Bieber himself has been victimized by bullying. The incident, which was widely reported in the media, involves another teenager hurling gay slurs at the 16-year old singer, which prompted him to retaliate by punching the boy.

According to TMZ, Bieber related to his friends how hurtful such remarks could be. Bieber is not gay but he said then he plans to voice out his side in public in support of the fight against issues of bullying and homophobia.

In the video for Its Get Better Project, which was the result of Beiber's prior committment to the cause, the singer is shown saying: "I just wanted to say there's nothing cool about being a bully."

"If you're getting bullied, make sure to tell someone and, you know, it gets better and if you're a bystander, make sure to step in and, you know, help out."

High-profile personalities and celebrities has been joining calls against bullying, which has become a uniting advocacy in Hollywood. A-listers like Anne Hathaway, designer Tim Gunn, and politicians like US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has joined the bandwagon, by appearing in videos produced by It Gets Better Project.

Recently, David Bekcham has also joined the anti-bullying bandwagon. Beckham has partnered with Facebook to launch Facebook Safety, which aims to combat online bullying. The new Facebook page aims to provide users of the social networking Web sites with updates and information to help keep them and their family safe while using Facebook or surfing on the Internet.