Justin Bieber has just got his revenge on Drake Bell, who has taunted him for years on Twitter. The Canadian heartthrob has not once responded to the former Nickelodeon star’s insults until now, that is.

Bell, 27, is one of Bieber’s worst critics on social media. There are countless other celebrities who have bashed the 20-year-old singer every now and then, but Bell has been consistent in his efforts in insulting the younger star for unknown reasons.

To his credit, Bieber never responded to him, letting his Beliebers attack the actor/singer instead.

But on Thursday, Bieber exacted his revenge by crashing Bell’s album release party in Los Angeles and causing a scene, which therefore upstages the older performer.

Bieber’s van pulled up to Mixology at the Grove, Bell’s launch party venue, and opened the door, prompting screaming fans to go wild.

He posted a video on his Instagram page, captioning it with: “So nice seeing my fans at the grove tonight.”

According to TMZ, he also posted a picture of Drake watching the scene, writing, “Why is @JustinBieber sprinter van getting more attention than my album release party?” The tweet has been promptly deleted.

Bieber’s message couldn’t be any clearer: he is paying Bell back for insulting him for so long.

Bell retorted, “@JustinBieber dude! Thank you for coming to my party I didn’t know you were down stairs sorry they didn’t let you in!! Should have hmu!!”

As for the photo of him looking from the balcony, he explained, “@justinbieber Damn! they told me you were there while I was changing. I tried to come get you in time but you split. only saw you drive away”

Sources told TMZ that the evening ended when things got heated between Milk Tyson, a member of Bieber’s entourage, and Bell’s dad.

By the way, Bell’s album is titled “Ready, Steady, Go!” And according to the posts on Twitter, it seems that it was a fairly successful launch. His “Drake & Josh” co-stars Josh Peck and Miranda Cosgrove, as well as series creator Dan Schneider, were also at the party to support him.