Justin Bieber repeats the pissing act once again. After marking the mop bucket his territory, Bieber has marked Colorado as his new territory. If fans or "Beliebers" happen to see "JB" on snow in Colorado, they should know that Justin Bieber was there. On a side note, "Beliebers" are not allowed to take the snow from Colorado. Justin Bieber's urine in Colorado "stays" in Colorado.

According to TMZ, Justin Bieber urinated his initials in the snow while the residents of the area looked on. Eyewitness told TMZ that Justin Bieber and his team were driving in Snowmass, Colorado on Sunday. Justin's group of Escalades pulled to the side of a road in a residential area.

Justin came out of the car for the business. He was surrounded by his bodyguards. He then proceeded to create art in the snow. Justin Bieber urinated himself.

Justin Bieber was quick. He wrapped his business in a flash and by the time the residents came to inspect the area, Bieber was gone. Residents reported that he pissed "JB" in the snow.

Last week, police raided his Calabasas mansion and arrested his Bieber's buddy and budding rapper Lil Za. Justin Bieber decided to go on a holiday after the harrowing egging incident and of course the drug and phone mess.

He visited the slopes of Aspen with his buddies including his childhood friend Ryan Butler.

Reports suggest Justin Bieber and his pals caused damage worth $20,000 during the egging incident.

If the damage is greater than $400 in California it is termed as felony vandalism. It means Justin Bieber can be in jail if he is charged and convicted.

Justin Bieber posted pics from the holidays but did not mention about the egging or drug issues.

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy" - Martin Luther King (sic)," stated Justin along with a picture of Martin Luther King.