Kanye West has allegedly attacked an 18-year-old teenager after he launched a series of racial abuses on Kim Kardashian.

According to a report by TMZ.com, "An 18-year-old teen hurled abuses at Kim Kardashian, while she was walking into a medical building in Beverly Hills on Monday."

Reportedly, the man first abused the paparazzi. He said, "F**k these fa**ot-ass n****rs"

When Baby North's mother tried stopping him from abusing the paparazzi the guy became furious and used unceremonious words for Kim Kardashian.

The website further reported that Kim then told him it was not appropriate to use the N-word. Then he screamed at her and said, "F**k you b*tch ... Shut up n****r lover, stupid sl*t,"

And when Kanye West appeared on the scene he punched the man hard on his face. According to a source to TMZ.com, "Kanye and Kim rushed into the waiting room of chiropractor Richard Hill and found the 18-year-old sitting there. Witnesses say Kanye punched the guy and Kim screamed, "We have it all on tape."

Well, given TMZ's report it seems Kanye is really possessive about his ladylove and could go to any extent to protect her.

Later, it was reported that the massage therapist separated both men. Police immediately arrived on the scene and according to News.com.au the 18-year-old teenager asked police that he wants to press charges against the Grammy Award Winner.

According to a statement by the police, the suspect in the whole scene is Kanye West.

"The named suspect was identified as Kanye West by the victim and several witnesses," stated the police officer who arrived at the scene.

Apparently, Kanye West left the scene before the police arrived. The police authorities are reportedly going to delve into the matter before reaching to any conclusion.

"Authorities are conducting a follow-up investigation. No further information was available," said Beverly Hills Police Sgt. George DeMarois.

A similar incident happened in November when Kanye West got in a tiff with paparazzo at LAX. He was accused of battery and attempt to grand theft. However, Kanye was set free of the charges.

We wonder what Kim Kardashian has to say about all this?