Kanye West premiered his directorial debut Runaway, a 40-minute long movie, in Sydney last night at the Entertainment Quarter. West engaged audience in a Question and Answer portion where West revealed that he disengaged his cell phone after his microphone-grabbing/Taylor Swift-upstaging in the 2009 MTV VMAs.

"For a year and two days now I haven't had a cell phone to get away from the commercial and pop worlds," West said.

West had previously premiered "Runaway" in London last week as part of his world-wide press tour for the film. Runaway was directed by West himself and written by Hype Williams. A trailer for the film can be found in YouTube.

West's whirlwind press-tour is also for his new album My Dark Beautiful Twisted Fantasy which will be out in the market on November 19 in Australia.

His new album is reportedly inspired by Michael Jackson. He previously stated in an interview with United Kingdom's Daily Mail, that: "With the passing of Michael Jackson, I feel a responsibility to bring things to our generation that can inspire and bring real culture to pop culture."