Kim Kardashian and rapper Kanye West
IN PHOTO: TV personality Kim Kardashian and rapper Kanye West arrive at a fashion designer workshop in Paris May 21, 2014. U.S. television personality Kim will Kardashian and rapper Kanye West celebrate their wedding in Florence on May 24, an official from the mayor's office confirmed on Friday. REUTERS

Previous reports claimed Kim Kardashian is reportedly feeling suffocated and controlled by Kanye West. However, a new report is now claiming Kim is starting to feel that she's only her husband second priority as Kanye has been working double time for his upcoming album.

Which really is it? Is the reality star feeling left out or controlled? The only definite answer here is that Kim and Kanye are realizing that indeed, marriage is not a big bed of roses, even though the wedding was over-the-top grand.

According to UK's Daily Sun, Kanye West is working double time to have his new album out in the fall. When exactly, the rapper does not know. In fact, he wants it to be a surprise. The rapper said he will continue with his 53 date Yeezus tour through August and will just drop the album overnight. The rapper will not be doing promotions for the new album at all, take a page of out Beyonce's book, who released her fifth album without doing any promotion activities last December.

"Kanye has been working hard on the album for a lot of this year, but he's known for cutting deadlines so it's better if he can just put it out at the last minute," a source shared to the paper.

This is well and good, especially for the rapper's fans. However, Kanye's hardworking ways are not impressing his wife. His supposedly number one fan, Kim, cannot reconcile the fact that she's seeing less of Kanye now that they have tied the knot compared to the time when they are not yet married.

"She told Kanye point-blank that being his wife was like being married to a monk," an insider shared to In Touch "and the fight got uglier from there. Kim railed on Kanye, saying that since they've been married, he's been away from her more than when he was single and out on tour.".

Aside from being neglectful, Kanye can be controlling as already previously reported. However, there is a new report that says Kanye controls even how Kim deals with the paparazzi.

"Kanye can be very controlling with everything in his life, that's his personality. He wants Kim to be perfect," an insider shared to the British magazine Grazia, Independent IE reports.

"In the old days, you'd always see Kim smiling when she was having her photo taken. But now more often than not she'll be stony-faced," the source said, adding Kanye has asked Kim to copy him and not to smile when she's papped," Independent IE added.

It can only be concluded from these reports that Kim really has a big problem under this marriage. "By all appearances, Kim looks like she has it all - a perfect husband, and a beautiful daughter - but the light and joy in her eyes is gone," a source shared to Radar.