In a shocking revelation it has come to fore that Kate Middleton might be pregnant with Twins. In a report OK! Magazine threw limelight on Middlteon's ongoing second pregnancy rumors and claimed that the Duchess of Cambridge is allegedly pregnant with twins.

Previously it was reported that Kate Middleton after giving birth to Prince George, is pregnant with a baby girl and is absolutely thrilled about it. However, the new report by the magazine has totally given a new twist to Kate's pregnancy rumors.

A source revealed to March 17 issue of OK! Magazine that Kate Middleton and Prince William are planning pregnancy since the onset of 2014 and apparently it is William who is keen to have twins.

"She and William had been trying since January. Will's told the queen he'd love to have at least two daughters. With all the boys in his family, he's trying to even up the balance."

It is not even a year that Kate Middleton has given birth to Prince George and it seems she is in hurry to have a second or may the be the third child.

"Everyone expected them to wait until George was a year old before trying again, to give her body a chance to rebalance its hormones. But Kate feels so fantastic and healthy right now, there's no reason to wait," the same source told the magazine.

Kate Middleton second pregnancy report was first flashed in controversial magazine "The Star." The tabloid had reported that Kate Middleton knows that it is girl this time.

"Little George is getting a sister, and Kate is absolutely thrilled. She was really hoping the next child would be a girl, and having it confirmed has just given her the best start to the year, Kate and William are ecstatic," a source had revealed to the magazine

Since the new of "girl" went rampant betting companies started placing bets on the name of next royal baby. Henry for a boy and Diana for a girl were the hot favorite royal baby names in the betting alleys and with current royal twins rumors it won't come as a surprise if betting companies make moolah out of guessing two names.

Let us know your thoughts on Kate Middleton twin pregnancy. Do you think the reports are a hoax?