The Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton has been planning a perfect welcome for Prince George in more than one way. With the new addition to Kate Middleton's and Prince William's family, the royal family is set to move into their newly renovated apartment at Kensington Palace.

The apartment is refurbished under the strict superintendence of Kate Middleton. 1A apartment at Kensington Palace has been under renovation work for over 18 months. According to a report by Us Weekly, Kate Middleton has picked some antiques from the Royal collection, fabric swatches and furniture for her 20-room home.

This apartment originally belonged to Queen's sister Princess Margaret. But it now required repairing and renovation as asbestos was discovered in there. Keeping that in mind duchess Kate has also added her personal touch to the place where Prince William grew up and now his progeny will be nurtured and parented.

"The baby's going to grow up running in the same gardens and hiding places William and Harry played in," Princess Diana's chef, Darren McGrady, tells Us Weekly while speaking about Prince George.

According to the reports central air, his and her bathrooms, encrypted WIFI capabilities and three kitchens have been added to the royal family's abode. Beiges, creams and earthy hues are the highlights of the newly renovated palace. Anne Allen an interior designer who worked with her mother, assisted in redecoration of the new royal palace and official home of Prince George.

"Their home is beautiful. This is a very exciting time for them," told an insider to Us Weekly.

"Kensington Palace is safe and contained, and such a welcoming environment. You feel like you have freedom there," palace insider reported.

Following the renovation and shifting into the palace, Kate Middleton and Prince William are set to host a housewarming party with a huge charity event with stars from the tinsel town.

The housewarming party will be hosted at Palace's State Apartments on Nov. 26. It is rumored that Bon Jovi, along with Taylor Swift, James Blunt and Eliza Doolittle will be the highlights of the event.

The gala event aims to aid their homeless charity Centrepoint for which 500 tickets will be sold to public for £500 each, out of which 250 will be used for VVIP passes.

After a stunning christening ceremony of Prince George, everyone is anticipating another exquisite event by Kate Middleton and Prince William as they host their grand housewarming celebrations.

Read more about royal family:

Prince George's Royal Christening: Duchess Kate Middleton and Duke Prince William Release Official Family Photos [See Official Photos]

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