The face of The Duchess of Cambridge was altered in Photoshop to look like she has a set of yellow, decaying teeth was slapped on the front cover of a US magazine.

For someone who has always been so pretty when she smiles, it was a cruel joke played on Kate Middleton as her face appears on "The New Republic" magazine when they illustrated the future of Britain.

The 30-year-old Duchess appears on the cover along with the caption "Something's Rotten. The Last Day's of Britain." Inside, the magazine tackles the financial state of United Kingdom ahead of the summer's Olympics.

The magazine cover has sparked rage online. Some call it offensive and below the belt. But it is an inevitable consequence in exchange of being an influential public figure, just like The Duchess of Cambridge.

Perhaps, the picture was a symbolism of how a beautiful country like the UK is slowly crumbling. But posting a ghastly photo of Kate Middleton could have been done with more class.

Last year, the Duchess of Cambridge spent thousands of pounds to achieve her pearly white smile. A French dentist, Didier Fillion even used hidden brace to make Kate's teeth a bit out of line and therefore, naturally beautiful

"He did some little micro-rotations on Kate," her dentist Bernard Touati revealed.

"That's why they look so good, because they are not perfectly aligned. The problem in the United States is they have very artificial vision. But what we like is a natural healthy smile, but not artificial."

Commenters were not amused by the publications "cheap shot" for the magazine issue they published. Read below and see some of their comments.

"She is a person who did not deserve this low blow. Shame on them. I will wouldn´t even think to read anything from them ever again."

"What else an one expect from a Republican magazine, they probably dislike themselves. Satire or not, it is still very disrespectful."

"Cheap shot. They know she will remain dignified and not say a word, allowing them to get away with it."

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