One of the most successful and hottest Sports Illustrated will make a rare appearance on the 2013 Emirates Melbourne Cup. Kate Upton is expected to grace the horse-racing event on Tuesday, Nov 5. Emirates, in partnership with Victoria Racing Club, made the official announcement.

Melbourne Cup is Australia's most important pure-bred horse race. It was previously reported that 34 amazing destinations will host the iconic 2013 Emirates Melbourne Cup Tour (EMCT). Some of the great places that made it include Brisbane, Longreach, Canberra, Sydney, Albury, Auckland, and Perth.

"I am really excited to be a guest of Emirates and the Victoria Racing Club for the Emirates Melbourne Cup," said Upton. "I am so looking forward to pay a visit to Flemington racecourse," she added. "I want to experience the fashion display, and the horses," said Upton.

"I can't wait," Upton also tweeted.

We wonder how Upton will dress up when she comes to the event. She sure will look good in an equestrian outfit. She is tall and she seems to have the perfect physique to be an equestrian.

Well, many people may not know this. Upton showed a love of horses at an early age. She was actually a champion equestrian before she delved into the field of modeling. She has won three championships in the American Paint Horse Association (APHA). She owns two horses, which she called Roanie Pony and Zipped. She was really a successful young equestrian.

"I grew up around horses, and that is really my passion," said Upton in an interview by GQ in 2012. "I competed for the top 20 in the nation, for the APHA," she said. "It is all about trusting your horse, and having your horse trust you," Upton said.

Without a doubt, Kate would have so much fun at the Melbourne Cup.

"Kate's appearance highlights the extensive appeal of the Melbourne Cup Carnival," said Victoria Racing Club chairman Michael Burn. "We are sure that Kate's trip to Flemington will be one that she remembers," added Burn.