Kate Upton is undeniably a Sports Illustrated favorite by having graced their cover twice. But although some of her critics says she's overrated, her male fans are nothing but supportive.

For her latest Sports Illustrated shoot, Kate Upton went a bit too far just to be able to deliver. Who in their right might would think of wearing a bikini in the middle of Antarctica? Well, Kate Upton will.

While she was shooting for the risky cover, Kate Upton said that her whole body started to shut down because it was working hard to keep her temperature up. The length she would do to keep her male fans entertained.

"I'm naked and trying to change. I literally couldn't move my legs, so the editors would have to pick up my legs and put them into my next outfit," she told David Letterman.

During her interview with the Today Show, she revealed that when she came back to the warmer American soil, she was losing her hearing and her eyesight.

"My body was shutting down because it was working so hard to keep me warm," Kate said. "I don't think you can go to Antarctica and stand in a bikini without that happening."

Well nobody will brand her a whiny model now. Props to her for her dedication but it might not be a smart move for the whole team and Kate as well to agree with the shoot. But in the end it's done and it was successful.

Kate who has clearly risen to greater heights since she was launched in Sports Illustrated recognizes that the magazine was majorly responsible for her career.

"Sports Illustrated really launched my career. I have a lot to thank them for," she said.

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