Kendall Jenner Poses Topless in Most Daring Photo Shoot Ever, Talks About Childhood Crush and Dreams

Kendall Jenner is taking her recent book release seriously and is taking every step to promote it, even if it means remaining in news by posing topless. In her most revealing photo shoot yet, the reality star and now a model has posed topless for the issue of Interview magazine. The 18-year-old shared the topless pictures on her Instagram page too and can be viewed here.
In one black and white shot, the reality star is seen using only her hands to cover her breasts while her hair are being swept away from her face by wind. Other topless picture shows a very relaxed Kendall sitting in a chair with one hand covering her modesty as she is lost in her own thoughts. There are several other pictures too where Kendall is seen posing in various moods wearing a midnight blue dress which reveals her thighs. In other pictures, she even wears shorts and a crop top which show off her really thin midriff. The pictures can be viewed here.
Accompanied with Kendall's topless pictures is her candid interview where she reveals she had this childhood dream of being a "supermodel" and that is what she has always wanted to be. The interview also dishes out many other secrets about Kendall's life where she tells he fans that she considers her Olympian dad Brue Jenner as her "everything" who has taught her and Kylie to be "workaholics."
The stepsister to Kim Kardashian also revealed that she is a big fan of Beyonce or "Queen Bey" as she calls her and has been star struck by her and also told the magazine that she would like to meet Martin Luther King Jr!
Kendall's first crush was in kindergarten on a kid in her class who had "tigers in his attic" just like her and she found that innocent lie as a common ground to start friendship with the guy!
Kendall and Kylie Jenner have also come out with their book "Rebels: City of Indra: The Story of Lex and Livia." Going topless for a magazine can help Kendall remain in news especially at the time of her book release.
Meanwhile, Kendall's mother Kris Jenner revealed in a recent interview with Huffington Post that she is proud of her daughter's topless photo shoot. "She has like, the perfect body, especially one that wants to be in the modeling business. I don't know, I got a lot of curves and I couldn't pull that off. But she always looks remarkable."