Kendall Jenner and Kylie Jenner arrive on the red carpet to host the MuchMusic Video Awards (MMVA) in Toronto
Kendall Jenner (L) and Kylie Jenner arrive on the red carpet to host the MuchMusic Video Awards (MMVA) in Toronto, June 15, 2014. REUTERS/Mark Blinch REUTERS/Mark Blinch

In this week's episode of "Keeping Up With the Kardashians," the Kardashian-Jenner clan continue their vacation in Thailand which is slowly shaping up to be a real nightmare. After all the bickering between Kris and Bruce Jenner seen in the previous episode, now the youngest Jenner kids have gone missing!

After a day of zip lining and a small vehicular accident for Kris and Bruce, the entire family retreated on a low note when the arguments continued about the vacation's itinerary. Kendall and Kylie had confronted Kris and accused her of being shady and scheming behind their back. The girls were upset that their parents seemed unable to stay in the same room without fighting.

The next morning when the family goes down to dinner, Kendall and Kylie are no-shows. Khloe goes up to their rooms to look for them but finds the rooms empty. This discovery starts freaking out both Kris and Bruce. The older Jenner kids are not too amused and think that the girls are taking everyone for a ride especially Brody.

Kris insists that the family needs to split up to try and find the girls thinking that it's unsafe for them to be roaming around Thailand on their own and worse, they could even have been abducted.

While in the car, Kris and Bruce continue bickering and placing blame on each other. Both are agitated by the situation and this seems to make them even more worked up especially Bruce who can't seem to keep talking about how Kris was the last to talk to the girls and how this behaviour is typical and they take after Kris. Kris meanwhile is more focused on finding the girls as opposed to bickering but the constant jabs at her still cause her to snap back at Bruce.

Kim and Khloe start asking around nearby hotels if anyone has seen the girls to no avail. Khloe keeps trying to call them but no one is picking up. Eventually, while still roaming around town, Khloe receives a photo from Kendall and Kylie showing them by the beach.The older sisters ask their driver to take them to the location where they start pieceing together clues from the photos. They receive another photo of the girls with a mannequin that Kim had seen in front of a shop that offers hair braiding services. They confirm from the people there that Kendall and Kylie had been there eariler that morning. Now left with no clues, the sisters seem to be at a dead end until another photo is received of the girls having a massage.

Kim immediately realizes that it's at the massage place next door and they run inside to find Kendall and Kylie there. Khloe immediately calls Kris who are already on the same street. The entire family is reunited and Kris is relieved to see her youngest kids. Bruce meanwhile is livid about the prank and is clearly still very annoyed.

Once safe and back at the resort, It becomes clear that Kendall and Kylie pulled off the stunt to remind their family to have fun and to stop bickering. Kris realizes that the dynamic between their now separated parents is causing the girls to become anxious and talks to Bruce. Bruce understands and declares out loud half-jokingly that having too many daughters is bringing too much drama.

All's well that ends well and the Jenner kids are safe and it seems like they also managed to teach their parents a lesson to make a better effort at getting along with each other.