You might want to grab a pencil and paper and start jotting down. Ke$ha is looking for her "Soul Mate." "Ke$ha: My Crazy Beautiful Life" season 2 premieres on Oct. 30 on MTV and the "Tik Tok" singer wants to find her perfect soul mate. The new season of "My Crazy Beautiful Life" might capture the soul mate.

"I just want to find my partner in crime and my soulmate and I feel like we capture that in this season a lot," the "Die Young" singer told ABC News. Ke$ha also revealed that she is tired and sick of the concept of dating. She is also sick of boys.

Her break-up with a "terrible, terrible person," whose name was not announced, gave her a hard time. 26-year-old Ke$ha said after the break-up it was clear what she was searching for in a boyfriend.

What Ke$ha's Looking for in her Soul Mate

Ke$ha's "Die Young" kind of a guy must love adventure and animals. The person should have a positive outlook towards life. He should be funny and can crack a joke or two at the drop of a hat.

Wait, apart from all the aforementioned qualities, the person must be well endowed down under. Nothing beats a big penis for Ke$ha.

But, if the person is a hardcore animal lover then even a small organ will do.

"I love music but my other main passion is helping animals," Ke$ha said.

"We went to the most remote place I've ever been to -- there was no television, no Wi-Fi, barely any hot water -- and I was up there stuck in a storm for the past couple of days. I spent my time watching a bear eat a dead, rotting whale and watching foxes," she added.

In season 2 of "Ke$ha: My Crazy Beautiful Life," she travels all the way to Alaska. There she travelled by boat and seaplane, watched and enjoyed the wildlife and spent time with a buddy who is employed with "National Geographic" magazine.

Ke$ha is Open to Date a Non-Famous Person

Yes, she is willing to date to non-famous person. Ke$ha revealed that she is a hopeless romantic and wants a "Bonnie and Clyde" situation.

So, are you ready? Do you have it in you to become Ke$ha's new lover?