On Thursday, IBT-Australia posted an article about Dwyane Wade and Kevin Durant having some social media feud.

It all started when Durant mentioned something about James Harden replacing Wade in Sports Illustrated Top 10 Point Forward list. Apparently, Wade took Durant's comment personally and posted a handwritten note on his Instagram account, stating that Durant should respect his place in history. Wade's Instagram post was also shared on Twitter because his two social media accounts are linked with each other.

Durant seemed to have answered Wade's post. "Show me, don't tweet me," he tweeted on Tuesday.

Kevin Durant appeared as a guest on NBC Sports Radio Show hosted by Chris Mannix. Interestingly enough, the topic of the social media feud between the two great basketball players were brought up.

"I have got to ask you about the blaze with Dwyane Wade and James Harden, were you surprised that it became quite the story that it did," Mannix asked Durant.

"Honestly, I have totally forgotten about it," Durant answered. "I forgot that I actually said it until I checked on Twitter," he added. "As expected, there were a lot of Miami Heat fans that tweeted me awful things," Durant continued. "I was really not trying to disregard everything that D-Wade has done or contempt him in any other manner. He is truly a champion and his team too. In essence, what I was trying to say at that time was that D-Wade could pass the torch to other guys and I only said James Harden, to name one. This is only opinion. I respect D-Wade."

"What did you think of Wade's Instagram photo with some handwriting on it," Mannix asked Durant as a follow up question.

"The handwritten note was immaculate," Durant said. "I really did not think so much about it, it is what it is. I respect him," Durant continued. "There is no disrespect to D-Wade and his team. What I said in the Cinesport interview is how I felt at that time, and I am going to stand behind what I said."

A fan might be feeling what Durant might be going through right and tweeted the basketball star. "I guess, people don't want you to have your own opinion huh," the fan tweeted Durant. "The most opinionated people get made when I got an opinion," Durant replied.

It sure looks like Kevin Durant never really meant to cause any disrespect to Dwyane Wade or anything. Anybody is entitled to have his or her own opinion anyway, right? You be the judge.