Leadership in Australia changed literally just overnight. Kevin Rudd has taken back his position as prime minister from Julia Gillard after she called a leadership spill and he won the ballot on Wednesday. Sure, there are losers, doubters, and naysayers, but there are also winners. And the biggest winner of all? Not Rudd, but the Internet and the "Game of Thrones" fans.

The Internet sure is rife with memes celebrating, observing, and even mocking and taunting Australia's sudden shift in leadership. And why not? Memes certainly make everything fun.

Julia Gillard superwoman meme
Kevin Rudd knitting
Kevin Rudd's "offishial" petition to replace Julia Gillard
Kevin Rudd "interrupted" meme

Casual observers or even those with almost non-existent interest in politics find online memes amusing and even enlightening.

For many, the spill on Wednesday was reminiscent of the plot of TV programme "Game of Thrones," and Gillard and Rudd just played a game of Prime Ministership.

Here are some GoT-themed memes about the leadership spill:

Julia Gillard "Game of Thrones" dragons meme
Kevin Rudd Game of Thrones
Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard in "Red Wedding" Game of Thrones meme
Look! Tony Abbott is also here!

But perhaps the most accurate clip that can best describe last night’s spill is this: