Internet users who saw the Kevin Ware broken leg video have helped the gruesome clips go viral, as CBS has taken steps to limit its replays of the tragic sports accident. The unimaginable pain suffered by the Louisville basketball player is captured in various YouTube clips, which have collectively gathered at least 4 million views the past two days.

On Twitter and Facebook, users are discussing Kevin Ware's injury, but not everyone is keen on seeing more images of the subject.

"If I see another picture of Kevin Ware's leg I will pass out," tweets user callmeasoxfan.

"If anyone posts a picture of Kevin Ware's leg I am unfollowing you," warns user rob11ozburn.

"Omg! I just saw a picture of Kevin Ware's leg. That was NOT what I wanted to see on my Facebook newsfeed," tweets jasminejalali.

Some blogs and news sites are issuing necessary warning to those who may not be able to contain the ghastly image of Ware's broken leg. Here is an example from user FootballFunnys:

SHOCKING: A picture of basketballer Kevin Ware's leg break. Worst I've ever seen. DON'T CLICK IF SQUEAMISH (Follow this link.)

One user is contemplating on how to turn the horrible injury into a lesson for kids. "Would it be too extreme if i put a picture of kevin ware's leg for the kids who don't listen to me at jump zone?" User maggie_garvey asks.

Some users oddly find the accident funny. "Everything's a joke until it happens to you or someone you care about," tweets Brandon_TooICEY.

Drinking milk has also become a trending lesson for many users who saw the broken leg videos and photos.

"If the picture of kevin ware's leg isn't the best advertisement for Got Milk ... I don't know what is.. Drinking gallons from now on," tweets EazyBRD.

Have you seen the Kevin Ware broken leg video? Let some of these reactions warn you against possible consequences of sharing the images. When sharing, perhaps you could just provide a link so others who would rather not see the image could be spared.

Kevin Ware Video: Accident Footage Draws Social Media Reactions


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