A quick preview of the key economic events for the upcoming week:

In the latest sign that China is slowing, analysts reported today that China Lunar Sales slowed to their lowest growth pace since 2009 while China's home prices fell for the fifth consecutive month in January. China's inflation data on Wednesday is likely to confirm a cooling of prices.

In currency markets, the euro is set to be back in the spotlight as traders anticipate the next move from the European Central Bank.

Monday, February 6

Investing in African Mining Indaba, an annual conference on mining across the continent begins in Cape Town for 3 days.

Related Story: The Future of Renewable Energy in Africa: Promising or Precarious?

Tuesday, February 7

UBS is expected to report its earnings and investors will be keen to note the numbers, after the bank's rouge trading scandal and dispute with US authorities over collusion in helping Americans evade tax through offshore Swiss accounts. UBS' involvement only emerged after a $780 million settlement.

Related News: UBS Nets US$1.16 Billion Profit In Q3 Despite Rogue Trader Scandal

Business Travel Show opens in London, a trade show targeted at corporate buyers.

Related Infographic: Travel Industry Post-9/11

Related Infographic: The Best Airports and Airlines for Business and Tech Travellers

Wednesday, February 8

The European Commission reveals its Alert Mechanism Report, a surveillance guideline for member EU economies.

Thursday, February 9

arack Obama meets with Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti. According to the White House, the two leaders will discuss Italy's economic recovery plan as well as the wider eurozone debt crisis.

Over 400 bankers and policymakers gather in Brussels for the 10th Annual European Financial Services Conference to debate issues affecting European and global financial services.

Friday, February 10

The U.S. reports its trade balance, with analysts expecting the deficit to rise for another month, from $48 billion in November to $48.7 billion in December.