Even though there were talks and speculations that Khloe Kardashian is swayed by ex-husband Lamar Odom's pleas to forgive him and take him back, the two have been seen nowhere together or communicating that much to show that Khloe is changing her mind about the divorce. However, with a basketball being installed in her new home according to the Examiner, is this the sign that Khloe finally made up her mind to cancel the divorce and accept Lamar Odom back in her arms?

Khloe Kardashian recently purchased Justin Bieber's house and moved out of the mansion she shared with Lamar. However, even though things between the two were obviously sour, recent reports showed that the two still have feelings for each other. Lamar went to Europe to focus on his basketball career and yet came back to the US just to make up with Khloe. Khloe has also expressed in a famous radio show that she is not over the divorce yet.

"I want to make it work with Khloe," Lamar has said. Afterwards, an insider has also revealed that Khloe and Lamar are still "talking all the time" and "It's not over yet."

According to Wet Paint Entertainment on March 23, one of the things that Khloe Kardashian is planning to change about her new home is installing a basketball court. Unless Khloe has learned to play the sport or decided that playing hoops will be her new hobby, many are believing that this move shows that she is indeed, already starting to question her divorce decision and might take back Lamar soon.

Lamar himself views this basketball court is for him. "Her installing a basketball court really says something," the insider said. "He thinks he could get Khloe back." Us Magazine reports.

Khloe Kardashian filed for divorce fromLamar Odom only back in December 2013, and with their feelings still raw for each other, a reconciliation is hardly impossible if they really still feel something for each other. With their love story splashed and shown on their own reality show once, fans will certainly be ecstatic if the romance is rekindled.

Their split has been one of the biggest breakups of 2013, and their reconciliation can be one of the biggest reconciliations, up in the ranks with the reconciliation of Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez. They can actually show divorcing couples everywhere that irrreconcilable differences tleading to the divoce can be reconciled.