It's been months since Khloe Kardashian filed for divorce from Lamar Odom but the two recently shared their deep feelings about each other and why, a reconcilation may even happen. According to Hollywood Life, Khloe cannot get over Lamar Odom, even with all that happened between them. In fact, the 29-year old reality star and sister of Kim Kardashian, claimed a reunion can even happen, as long as Odom changes, Hollywood Life exclusively reports.

For now, the divorce proceedings are still underway and they are not going to reconcile just like Justin and Selena, but it can be a possibility.

"They are not getting back together, but never say never," shared Hollywood exclusively, adding, "If he really changed she would take him back. Lamar was the love of her life. But Khloe doesn't believe he's really changed and he did too much damage for her to sign up for that again."

Khloe herself admitted these feelings in an interview with 2Day FM on MArch 18. Asked how she is handling the divorce and if she is already over it, Khloe vehemently tells everyone she is not over it, not by a long shot.

"No, It's definitely not anything I'm through. I'm going through it, but I'm not through it," said Khloe. "It's really hard to watch yourself on TV too. It's definitely different in that the world has to watch too. It's definitely not the easiest thing to do but it's my life now I guess."

But if a reconciliation were to happen, it cannot be said that only Khloe was the only one who wanted it. Odom also shared the same sentiment a day ago.

"I want to make it work with Khloé," shared Lamar to In Touch Weekly magazine. "I'm going to see Khloé. I'm going to see her soon."

In Touch Weekly has also reported that the two have been seeing each other again and even engaging in intimate phone conversations. Lamar is said to have been begging Khloe for another chance.

"He confessed his feelings and cried his heart out to her on the phone," reports In Touch Weekly, adding, "She'd been avoiding his texts and calls for weeks, but when she heard him pleading with her to take him back, she melted."

If they both feel such a deep connection to each other, then a reconciliation is probably not that far-fetched. It certainly pays to see how this possible reconciliation pans out.