In contrast to her sister Kim, Khloe Kardashian embraces and revel over her marriage to Lamar Odom. It has been a year since the two married in a ceremony aired in television. Khloe seems to have found Mr. Right (who is as of now, is elusive to her sister Kim) in her husband Lamar.

"A year ago today I married my best friend. I am so excited to be celebrating our one year anniversary!" writes Khloe on her blog, also posting pictures of her and Lamar.

"I can't believe it has been a year already, it feels like we just got married yesterday, but at the same time I can't believe it has ONLY been a year. I feel like sooooo much has happened in just one year."

Khloe Kardashian also writes about how her marriage to her husband had changed her as a person and her life , saying that she is a better person because of Lamar.

"My life has changed so much, and I as a person have changed even more. I have never been happier, never been so at peace, never been so in love," says Khloe.

"I am a better person because of Lamar. I laugh constantly! He brings so much laughter, happiness and fun to my life yet he also keeps me calm and grounded. I feel like I truly discovered myself the moment I met Lamar."

Khloe and Lamar might be the envy of Kim Kardashian who was recently single. But then again, maybe not. Kim said she is happy being single, but she also looks for someone who can make her life more entertaining, confessing that she is a hopeless romantic.

"I feel like I don't need a man, but I'm also such a hopeless romantic. I really think that having someone makes everything more entertaining. I don't think you need a guy to make you happy but it's nice to have one,"said Kardashian.

Just who will be this man, the elusive Mr. Right, would be? Rumors (see: Kim Kardashian thinks Australian bodyguard Shengo Deane is "hot") center on a possible brewing romance between Australian bodyguard Shengo Deane and Kim Kardashian, and wouldn't that be romantic enough for such hopeless romantic Kim Kardashian!