Kim Kardashian is making a paparazzi storm in Paris. What were they up to in Paris? Apparently, to wipe the smug smile off the Mona Lisa, as what has she got to smile for when she gets upstaged by the Kardashians when Kim and Kris visited her at the Louvre Museum.

Fifty photographers, according to TMZ, hounded the mother-and-daughter socialites as they went to visit the world-renowned Leonardo Da Vinci painting. Is Kim Kardashian in a quest to trace the Da Vinci Code? A lot of tourist do that nowadays in Paris, but apparently, the Kardashians are not interested in following clues. Instead, they went directly to see the Mona Lisa.

TMZ reported that Kim and Kris Kardashian were escorted by a team of security directly to the Mona Lisa, but it was no trouble on the Kardashians' part. With a swarm of paparazzi hovering around the reality show star, Louvre cannot risk to have her mobbed inside the museum, lest art artifacts will get damaged.

Nevertheless, Parisians can not help but scream Kim's names and try to have their pictures with Kim Kardashian. Is the Mona Lisa, still smiling after Kim's visit? Someone should check. After all, how would you feel if you find out you are no longer the biggest attraction on the spot, even just for the time that a celebrity like Kim Kardashian visited you.

Good thing the incident threatened to go out of control that the Kardashians had to leave. Kim posted photos of her and Kris in front of Mona Lisa at the Louvre Museum. Check it out on her Twitter page.