TV personality Kim Kardashian walks in the street in Paris
A body guard escorts TV personality Kim Kardashian (C) who walks in the street as she visits fashion shops in Paris May 22, 2014. U.S. television personality Kim Kardashian and rapper Kanye West will celebrate their wedding in Florence over the weekend an official from the mayor's office confirmed last Friday. REUTERS/Gonzalo Fuentes

Kim Kardashian has had a brush with law enforcement once again. She was spotted talking to police officers from inside her black Mercedez SUV in what appeared to be a traffic related-incident last week. Kim has explained that while a photo came out that looked like she was getting pulled over, she was in fact telling the police about someone who was following her and she went on her way while the cars behind her were pulled over.

The photo of Kim talking to police was published in various websites and shared through social media early last week with captions and headlines that indicate that it was Kim who had gotten pulled over while driving around Calabasas, California, the neighbourhood where she and many members of the Kardashian-Jenner clan live.

Kim tweeted the photo in question in which she says that she was inside the Mercedes SUV (the dark windows don't give a view of her face) and she was indeed talking to police officers but only to tell them about her dilemma. She captioned the photo: "There's this pic online of me talking to cops telling them I'm being followed by a crazy driver. BUT...."

She then continues her explanation in the following tweet:

The headline reads I AM the one getting pulled over...NOT TRUE. All of the paprazzi got pulled over instead ;-)

— Kim Kardashian West (@KimKardashian) July 28, 2014

This is not the first time that Kim or other members of the Kardashian-Jenner clan have had run-ins with the law in relation to crazy fans of over-aggressive Paparazzi.

Last year, Kim received a citation for speeding while being chased by photographers while two out of three cars chasing her managed to escape punishment.

Bruce Jenner was also filmed in one of the earlier episodes of "Keeping Up With the Kardashians" having a spat with the Paparazzi while he was out accompanying one of his younger daughters out for a drive.

Of course, Kim's new husband Kanye West has had more than his fir share of issues against photographers and law enforcement. In the lastest episode of "Keeping Up With the Kardashians," Kim and her half-brother Brody Jenner were having a small chat while on vacation in Thailand when the conversation drifted to the topic of the paparazzi and Kim shared the story of how Kanye once destroyed a camera when he felt that a photographer overstepped his boundaries. Kanye got arrested and was sentenced to do several hours of community service. Kim also shared a funny anecdote about how Kanye used his one prison phone call to order Chinese take-out instead of contacting his lawyer.