TV Personality Kim Kardashian Holds Her Baby in Her Arms as She Shops in Paris
TV personality Kim Kardashian holds her baby in her arms as she shops in Paris, May 20, 2014. Reuters

Kim Kardashian recently shared how much she loves her family's reality show, "Keeping Up with the Kardashians." She told Radar Online that the show is perfect for allowing her to both be with her daughter at all times and share her life to the public, two of her favorite things to date.

According to Radar Online, Kim Kardashian thinks her job as a reality star is perfect, especially now that she has a daughter with whom she wants to spend her every waking moment. She also told Mail Online UK that she would love the show to go on forever because she likes sharing her life.

Kim told Radar Online that despite all the rigors and hard work she has to endure because of her job as a reality star, one of the best points about doing the reality show, "Keeping Up with the Kardashians" is that she can be with her daughter, North West, all the time. Baby North just turned one and Kim Kardashian cannot be happier about the bond they share as mother and daughter. "The beauty of having a reality show - especially as we film at the house - is that the baby's there," the newly-wed superstar said. "So I actually get to be with her - as opposed to if I had a job in an office, where I couldn't be in the same room with her while I was working."

Baby North does not appear on the show all the time because of privacy and safety issues, but Kim said she's always close by. She shared, "She's always there - you might not see her face, but she's in there - but for her own privacy, we just don't have her in that much."

Kim is thankful for the opportunity to work and be a hands-on mom at the same time. She can afford that because of the show. She admitted to Radar Online that she's "really lucky to have that advantage to spend so much time with her."

"I get to see her every single day. I'm there with the baby -- it's kind of perfect."

This is why it is not surprising to see Kim hope that the show continues for as long as possible. She told Mail Online UK, she loves the show because she gets to share her life to the world.

The reality TV star said, "I love sharing my life, and I hope it goes on for as long it can."