Long before he was famous as Jesse Pinkman of the hit TV series "Breaking Bad," Aaron Paul is hanging out with a Prince and the King of Pop himself, the late Michael Jackson. The two met six years ago in a castle outside London in a 25th birthday celebration of Prince Azim of Brunei where Aaron was a plus one at the fete.

Yes, believe it or not Aaron Paul managed to get invited in a VIP party and hangout with not just one but two of the world's most important people. The actor's surreal experience was told through an interview with Details magazine Feb issue where the 34-year-old award-winning actor recounted his time with MJ and his advice about family and upbringings.

After chasing a thousand sheep with the royal prince and princesses, Aaron was invited to see the prince in the library. Somehow the actor made an impression to the prince which earned him another time to hangout with the royal.

"I was going back up to my room, and this guy grabs me and says, 'Hey, Prince Azim wants to see you in the library," remembers Paul. "So I go down there, and he's sitting on the couch with Michael Jackson, and me and Michael Jackson end up having this hour-long heart-to-heart about family and upbringings."

"I remember, he just put his arm around my shoulder and said, 'You know, if you've had a rough childhood or not, it's all about forgiveness. Once you realize that, it's fine. Everything's fine," he added.

After hearing the Prince of Pop's advice, Aaron casually invited the singer for a shot. "Michael, you are absolutely right.' And then I go, 'Do you want to do a shot?' And he goes, 'Sure!' And I was like, 'OK, Michael, let's do this,'" Aaron told the magazine.

The young actor walked away that night with a once in a lifetime story to tell and an advice that he can never forget in a party where he wasn't even invited. Michael Jackson walked away with a whopping $10 million in party paid by the celebrity-obsessed prince.