Source: Reuters

Someone's missing his wife pretty badly, and is not afraid to express it too. Not just to his wife apparently, but to the whole world. Can you say "Awww"? Not before you say "Holy Smokes, how sexy can a girl be?!" first.

Someone is Kobe Bryant. The star basketball player for the Los Angeles Lakers is currently on tour in China, and despite his busy schedule (or because of his busy schedule), found it imperative to express his longing for wife, Vanessa. The picture has been removed shortly after, but if you catch it floating around the net, you'll get the drift. Or you can take a look here.

Kobe expressed this through Instagram, by posting a pretty and sexy picture of Vanessa with the short message "Miss my #Qm #allreal #Ishouldknow #CapriSun #chinatour"

The message is not that sweet, since its full of hash-tags, but what can you do? That's the social media way of expressing feelings for you!

The pictures has been reportedly removed because of lewd comments some people can't prevent themselves from making. Some people just cannot recognise love, cheese and sexy even if these things are already right in front at them. World.

But then if you think about it, Bryant removed it because he wanted to be the protective husband, protecting his wife against Internet bullies. So can you say "awww" again?

Kobe Bryant has been very personal lately, especially upon getting himself Twitter and Instagram accounts. Aside from this sappy post, you can also see him responding to the Dwight Howard issue through Instagram and Twitter.

A few days back, you would have also heard about Kobe Bryant's shirtless pictures while partying, making his wife agitated and furious.

Well, if this new post is any indication, it seems they are back to being in very good terms now. Yey for the cute couple.