Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick Fooled by Fake Modigliani Painting
What is a Mogliani and why is it so expensive?

In this week's episode of "Keeping Up With The Kardashians'" Kourtney and Scott discover a painting at his parent's house which she believes to be a very expensive portrait made by Italian painter Amedeo Modigliani. Both Scott's parents passed away last year leaving everything to him, the only son. A real Modigilani according to Kourtney's research could be worth up to $100 million.
Scott is understandably sceptical about the whole thing and did not want to get too excited about it lest he gets disappointed if they find out that it's a fake.
Amedeo Modigliani was a painter and sculptor who, although Italian, did most of his works in France in the late 1800s-early 1900s. He died at the age of 35 after contracting tubercular meningitis.His works are mostly nudes and portraits in a modern elongated style.
Kourtney insists that it's real with some encouragement from her cousin Cici. Soon, she shows the painting to her sister Khloe hoping to get some positive reinforcement. Khloe laughs and says she has no idea what she needs to look for in the painting to be able to know if it's authentic and later admits that she doesn't really care much for the way it looks.
Kourtney doesn't give up and calls in an appraiser to look at the painting.Scott tries to dissuade her but she insists that the guy is already on his way. He gives in and lets the guy look at the painting. He says that to his expert eyes, the painting could be real and that they need to send it to one of the auction houses to get tested. Scott, upon hearing the opinion of the appraised, does a complete 180 and starts to believe what Kourtney was telling him all along. This freaks Kourtney out because Scott then starts counting the dollars they could earn if the piece turns out to be a real Modigliani.
Scott starts dreaming of getting a private plane or a helicopter and Kourtney starts to go back to being the sceptical one in the family. Kris then arranges for someone to come in from Sotheby's to get the matter settled once and for all. A guy arrives and looks at the painting. From the get-g, things looked grim as he points out that instead of being done with oil, as is customary with a real Modigliani, this one was painted using watercolour. The painting was also done on paper mounted on canvas which is another red flag.
A week later, Kourtney and Scott arrive at a family lunch with the results of the test in hand. Everyone waits with anticipation to find out if the couple have struck gold. Kourtney reads the verdict and it turns out that the chemicals used in the paint could not have possibly been used during the time period that Amedeo Modigilani was alive and making paintings.
The whole affair ends up in disappointment and the couple are left with a very old but next to worthless painting in their hands which Scott decides he doesn't even want.