According to Hollywood Life, Kris Jenner finally realized Rob Kardashian needs help. In addition, Kris Jenner is willing to stage an intervention as long as the rest of the family agrees. Moreover, Rob Kardashian should also allow himself to be helped. Currently, Rob is still hurting over what transpired at Kim Kardashian's wedding and is isolating himself further.

Even though Khloe Kardashian begged Rob Kardashian to stay and attend the festivities in Florence, Rob Kardashian decided to go away. He did not buy Khloe's claims that Kim Kardashian was only having wedding jitters and haf lashed out at him as a result. Unfortunately, Kim's comments on Rob's weight issues were brought to heart and he thinks the rest of the family does not take him seriously.

"Kris and Khloe [Kardashian] tried to convince him to stay but once he made up his mind to leave, no one could convince him otherwise. He got mad at his family for not taking his panic attacks seriously," Hollywood life reports.

The thing is, his family just might not be making fun of him as previously reported. Kim just might have said something wrong, while the rest of the family are misconstrued.

"No one really made an issue of his weight gain. In fact, he was the one who kept saying, 'I am a loser,' 'I am embarrassing the family'... he was making it all about him, when in reality no one cared, they were just happy that he made it to Paris." Hollywood Life reports.

Rob's depression is making him really insecure. Not to mention, being surrounded by the rest of his picture-perfect family. Aside from Khloe, no one publicly protected Rob Kardashian either. Until now, when Kris Jenner finally realized Rob needs intervention. Unless the rest of the family participates, the intervention is not likely to fly.

"Rob said he didn't want to ruin the wedding and deal with all the beautiful people who would be talking about him behind his back. He really needs help," says the friend.

"Kris wants to stage an intervention, but the whole family needs to get on board in order for it to be successful," Hollywood Life reports.

Of course, for such intervention to happen, Rob himself must recognize that he needs help. He should stop isolating himself, the report implies.

"Rob needs professional help but is unwilling to get it. He doesn't believe in therapy or rehab, even though his family and friends have urged him to get support for his weight struggles," a friend of the Kardashian family shares to Hollywood Life. "He has been isolating and when he got to Kim's rehearsal dinner in Paris, he had a panic attack and was freaking out."

Now that the celebrity wedding of the year between Kim Kardashian and Kanye West is over and the two are in Ireland for their honeymoon, the rest of the family can devote their attention to Rob Kardashian.