Kristen Stewart had held back on talking about her on-screen and real-life beau, Robert Pattinson. She had not indulged the Robsten fans by talking lengthily about her relationship. She did mention last year, however, that her "boyfriend is English."

Many things have been said and written about her fling (or was it an affair?) with "Snow White" director Rupert Sanders, 41, a married man and father-of-two. Stewart and Sanders have separately issued apologies on the matter.

Despite standing up for artist privacy in the past, Stewart issued a very public 'sorry' statement via People. The effort is seen as part of her attempts at keeping Pattinson in her life. Either that, or Stewart just wanted to assure Robsten fans she did not carry on the relationship only for the sake of her career.

Kristen Stewart: Apology Dissection

So what did Stewart basically say in her apology? That 1.) It was a momentary indiscretion, and 2.) She loves Pattinson.

Speaking to Glamour magazine last year, Stewart shared with fans some relationship advice. She said a good relationship is about "being honest and knowing yourself."

"Don't be an a-hole. That's my advice. Don't be mean. Don't take s-. Don't settle," Stewart said.

Having realised that her words have boomeranged and hit her, Stewart may have found it appropriate to say something to the fans about the much-publicized fling or affair.

Here is Stewart's public apology:

"I'm deeply sorry for the hurt and embarrassment I've caused to those close to me and everyone this has affected. This momentary indiscretion has jeopardized the most important thing in my life, the person I love and respect the most, Rob. I love him, I love him, I'm so sorry."

What Kristen Stewart could have said

Excuse the cliché, "The damage has been done." But Stewart was not going to be quiet about it.

The 22-year-old actress chose to apologize in public instead of speaking to Pattinson directly and privately. (Was it because he would not listen anymore?) She may have had the nerve to betray a three-year romantic partner, but at least Stewart also had the guts to face the consequences head on.

Here are five things Kristen Stewart could have said in lieu of an apology:

1. No comment. Less talk, less mistakes. She could have just waited for the press to print merely speculative reports.

2. It's not what it looks like. 'Long shot, though. Us Weekly left no room for doubt in its cover story and photos. Still, a good play in words could have kept the whole thing in mystery.

3. It's a private matter. She had been used to saying this, anyway.

4. It just happened. "Momentary indiscretion" meant the same, but it sounded less lame in a public statement.

5. I'm sorry, Liberty. It was a good thing she left out Ruper Sanders' wife in the apology. Rumours said she was going to write a private letter.