Kristen Stewart looks undoubtedly sexy and feisty in her V magazine cover. Dressed in a black and white ensemble, her eyes get the reader's full attention at once. The seemingly careless (but stylish) manner by which her hair is tousled up to one side spells danger and trouble - in a hot and sexy way.

Being no stranger to reckless encounters, Stewart shows signs of growing up in her arguably sexiest cover yet. It seems she has taken some time to ponder life and what she has learned from her own experience.

"I have realized that you can close yourself off to life if you put walls up, but it's a difficult thing," quoted her as saying. She also spoke of being unafraid and being fearless.

"You can't see over, people can't see in, and you also can't see out. So I've gotten quite comfortable with just being unafraid. I keep saying the same thing: it's not about being fearless but really just embracing the fears and using them."

Stewart went on to say that she is open to dealing with whatever life throws at her.

"I am not closed off to anything right now," she said. "That is what I was saying about not having any more walls up. I don't want to deprive myself of any bit of life."

She shared with V magazine her adult role in the film "On the Road" as well as her 2013 outlook. Now that the "Twilight" film saga is behind her, Stewart can look forward to more film projects that could show her versatility as an actress. Her V Magazine cover is only a step in the direction of sexier if not more mature roles.

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