The hype and hunger for the "Fifty Shades of Grey" film adaptation continues to the point that fans becomes completely obsessed over who among Hollywood's hottest should play the lead roles. However, while some fans and celebrities are totally in love with the book not everyone loves it.

Ironically, despite being the inspiration for the lead character, Kristen Stewart is anything but hooked on the BDSM-filled novel.

E.L. James has "Twilight" to thank for the popularity and love for "Fifty Shades of Grey." Fans are dying to know any bit of detail about the film in the works and the actors set to play the lead roles. Robert Pattinson has been one of the actors said to play the role of Christian Grey. In an interview, Robert Pattinson admitted that he had read the book. Though, it doesn't look as if Pattinson is anywhere close to playing the lead role.

How about Pattinson's newly reconciled beau, Kristen Stewart? Would Stewart be willing to play the role of Anastasia Steele given she has read the book as well as stated by Pattinson? News is that the couple is in the running to play the part of the lead roles in the film adaptation. However, Universal Studios quickly squashed the rumors claiming that the "Twilight" couple will not be playing Christian Grey & Anastasia Steele respectively.

"Kristen seems to be one of the top picks for the lead in "Fifty Shades of Grey" as far as fans are concerned," says a source to Huffington Post.

Back to Stewart getting to read the book, "Fifty Shades of Grey". Did the 22-year-old "Twilight" Saga star like what she read?

''I've skimmed parts of it. When I read the first few pages describing her messy hair, I was like, 'This is so strange.' But it's just so raunchy! I mean, obviously, everyone knows that. But when I see people reading it on planes and stuff, I'm genuinely creeped out. Like, you're basically just reading porn right now! Get that blanket off your lap!'' exclaimed Stewart to

Basically, that sums it all up. Stewart, despite being wanted for the role, has been genuinely creeped out by the book that playing the lead role is nowhere close to reality.