Lawyers of Twilight actress Kristen Stewart threatens to sue Joan Rivers and demands to remove derogatory words in her new book or face a defamation law suit. Rivers' Diary of a Mad Diva noted that Stewart got her whole career by being able to "juggle a director's balls."

Joan Rivers May Be Sued by Stewart's Lawyers

Joan Rivers is set to release a new book titled "Diary of a Mad Diva" on July 1, which reportedly includes some indecent references about Twilight actress Kristen Stewart, according to sources. However, Stewart's legal counsel is not happy with Rivers' descriptive words about their client's career life.

According to NZHerald, Rivers' comments allude to the Stewart's 2012 "momentary indiscretion" with director Rupert Sanders who she worked with on Snow White and the Huntsman.

"Many stars only do one thing well. Of course, the best one-trick-pony is Kristen Stewart who got a whole career by being able to juggle a director's balls," Rivers wrote.

Now, Joan Rivers may be facing a defamation lawsuit unless she retracts what she wrote in the book about Kristen Stewart.

"I am now being sued by Kristen Stewart. She obviously didn't read our disclaimer which says it's a comedy book. I can't wait to get her into court because I am gonna get a puppet and I want her to show me on the puppet where she thinks I claim she touched her director. I am looking forward to it," Rivers told TMZ.

Rivers revealed that her lawyers were contacted already by Stewart's lawyers and remains unconcerned regarding a possible lawsuit. She also said that taking the stuff she wrote on her book seriously would make someone a fool.

"My answer to her was: 'Be glad you're not a Kardashian because they're mentioned a lot more in the book.' I'm a comedian. I've been doing it for 50 years. If people don't get it, then don't come and see me. It's okay. Don't read the book. If you're gonna take it seriously, you're a fool," she told TMZ.

Diary of a Mad Diva

Kristen Stewart is not the only popular celebrity who appeared in the book. Diary of a Mad Diva featured Bethenny Frankel, Paris Hilton and Angelina Jolie.

Her new book seemed to have started when her daughter Melissa gives her a diary for Christmas and at first Joan is horrified. Then Joan begins to record her day-to-day musings and realised that she has a lot to say.

Diary of a Mad Diva described a delightfully vicious and always hilarious look at the everyday life of the ultimate diva. Readers will be able to follow her journey on a family vacation in Mexico and trips between New York and Los Angeles where she mingled with the starts without missing a beat on the current events about pop culture and various celebrities.

Check out Rivers' new book at Amazon and get it for a Kindle price of $12.99 with free international wireless delivery.