One Direction's Harry styles and "Keeping up with the Kardashians'" Kendall Jenner are certainly going steady after having spent New Year's together. However, both stars have failed to announce the real deal between them. To make matters more confusing, Kendall's younger sister, Kylie Jenner "laughed" about the issue when a fan had asked her about it on Vine.

2014 started out pretty sweet for Harry and Kendall. The latest couple of the year headed out to Mammoth Mountain Ski Resort in Los Angeles along with members of the Kardashian clan. Despite the constant dates, everyone is wondering what the real deal between Harry Styles and Kendall Jenner is.

Rather than directly asking Harry and Kendall, some fans have questioned the latter's younger sister, Kylie Jenner. Yet, Kylie's answer to a fan's question on Vine leaves everyone wondering: "What was so funny?"

In the video, found here, Kylie reads the question out loud before hiding her laughing face behind her smartphone. She obviously found something funny in the question involving her sister and the One Direction singer. This leaves "Directioners" even more confused, so does this mean Kendall and Harry aren't dating at all?

As for Kylie Jenner, this member of the Kardashian clan insists nothing romantic is going on between her and her BFF, Jaden Smith. She does however state that if she needed a date to the prom, Jaden would be it. In the Seventeen magazine annual prom issue, Kylie talked about not having a boyfriend.

"I don't have a boyfriend, but I do really want that boyfriend prom experience. I would want to go with one of my best guy friends, like Jaden [Smith]. I know I'd have fun with him - he makes me laugh and he is a great dancer," stated Jenner.

Other than her sister's love life, prom and boyfriends, Kylie Jenner is currently dealing with a traffic ticket. Over the weekend, the youngest member of the Kardashian brood had been slapped a ticket after over speeding. This isn't the first time Kylie had been pulled over by traffic enforcers. Back in August 2013, she had caused a three-car collision.