Kylie Jenner, the younger sibling of the Kardashians showed the world that everyone should know who she is by now.

At a Beverly Hills Hotel, the 16 year old threw a tantrum after she was refused to be served alcohol because she was a minor. Kylie Jenner threw a tantrum trying to pull one of those "do you know who I am" stunts in order to be given V.I.P treatment at the hotel.

According to the dailymail where the story was published, 'Do you know who I am?' Kylie Jenner, 16, 'throws tantrum at Beverly Hills hotel after they refuse to serve her alcohol'

Jenner arrived at the hotel with a few other privileged celebrity friends that included Jaden Smith, 15 year old and asked for alcohol to be served. The hotel refused to serve alcohol to the minor and this is where Kylie Jenner went bezerk on them.

According to the rumors, the star told the hotel,

'Do you know who I am?' and that the hotel was 'f***ing lame' and 'not worth her time'.

If this is true, she is starting to feel a little bit arrogant about her fame that practically has nothing to do with what she has accomplished yet but from her other sisters-the Kardashians. But it seems that Kylie Jenner knows the whole story and will not sit back as people talk about her and her sister.

The 16 year old took to her twitter account to rant about these rumors and said:

'I am so done with everyone making my little sister and I out to be something that we are not, No one has fake ID's and no one's partying.'

She even continued to tweet about it saying:

'I'm not going to sit around and let grown adults create untrue stories about me underage drinking & partying every night with a fake ID...And FYI regarding the "club nights," I was with my father & family supporting my brother and sister-in-law.'

Well said Kylie, maybe people should really just let the teen grow up on her own.