Kylie and Kendall Jenner Hired a Ghostwriter for Rebels: City of Indra, Book to be Published in All Languages

Kylie and Kendall Jenner surprised everyone that they have "penned" and published a book, "Rebels: City of Indra" last month. Despite the lacklustre reviews on the book, the sisters claimed they want and intend to have the book published in every language possible, Just Jared reports. With such confidence over their books, it came as a surprise that Kylie and Kendall Jenner actually wrote "zero" percent of the book and hired a "ghostwriter" to do it. According to Guardian LV however, the name of the ghostwriter is actually credited on the book, which is a plus point for the sisters.
Kylie and Kendall Jenner are known as the youngest daughters of Kris Jenner and the sisters of famous Kardashian names like Kim, Kourtney and Khloe. While the two constantly make the news for their partying ways and modelling stints, the two has not been billed for anything serious until this new novel came along. At 16 and 18, they have been making their names in the fashion world, gracing numerous magazine covers and marketing their own makeup and perfume line. Who knew they can write a novel as well?
Apparently, very few found it hard to believe and started to question how much of the book the sisters actually penned. Guardian LV get to the bottom of the question and found that the sisters indeed hired a ghostwriter, Maya Sloan to write the book. Hiring ghostwriters is not that rare in Hollywood, Guardian LV reports.
"Celebrities usually use a ghostwriter; a seasoned journalist or novelist that actually can write something that people will want to read. Ghostwriters negotiate a fee, usually around $20,000 to $40,000 to write several hundred pages for the book. These pages will then be passed off as work the celebrity completed, and the celebrity gets the credit for it, not the writer," the site shared.
Publisher of the Rebels book, Karen Hunter in fact says she finds it hard to believe herself if the sisters actually write anything, considering they are still teenagers. The rare thing that the sisters did however, was to allow Sloan's name to appear on the book. According to Sloan, even though she is the ghostwriter, the whole book was published out of the collaboration between her and the sisters. Sloan studied the sisters for weeks to understand them and know them.
Kendall and Kylie Jenner apparently thinks having a ghostwriter complete their first book is normal. They embrace their first novel wholeheartedly and want the book published in various languages. Recently, Kylie did a quick Twitter Q & A with fans about "Rebels: City of Indra."
"We want to in every language," she tweeted when she was asked if they wanted to publish the book in another language, Just Jared shares.