Lady Gaga has been accused by singer Demi Lovato of glamorising bulimia - an eating disorder when she performed with a "vomit artist" recently. However the "Born This Way" singer has come out and said that her performance was in no way is promoting bulimia and in fact she herself suffered from this eating disorder some time back.

"I have struggled with an eating disorder for over 10 years and I take that very seriously," Lady Gaga told E! Online. "I take the struggle of others very seriously."

Gaga got vomited upon by performance artist Millie Brown as she sang the track "Swine" from her "Artpop" album. Gaga was criticised by numerous fans, including ex-bulimic Demi Lovato, for glamorizing the eating disorder bulimia. Bulimia is an eating disorder where a person first eats to its heart content everything that he or she wants. But then takes that recently eaten food out by vomiting it so that it does not get absorbed by its body and does not let the person gain any weight. The disorder is completely unhealthy and leads to various health complications in life. Many teenagers, who want to stay slim, follow this unhealthy practise.

"Sad. As if we didn't have enough people glamorizing eating disorders already. Bottom line, it's not 'cool' or 'artsy' at all," Lovato tweeted. Demi has however now deleted the tweet. The 21-year-old has suffered from both bulimia and anorexia (an eating disorder where person avoids food completely) since the age 8 and also had to check into a rehab in 2010 to treat her eating disorders.

However Lady Gaga says her latest performance in not linked to bulimia in any form and it was a way to express her feelingly artistically.

"This performance had absolutely nothing to do with any eating disorder, and we never intended for it to be taken that way," said Gaga, according to the Web site. "I'm really proud of the performance and really stand by the message of rage and pain that we were trying to express in that moment."