How much are you willing to give for your parents? Some would be more than willing to extend help to their parents for as long as they need it. However, this is not the case for basketball star Lamar Odom.

According to TMZ, Lamar has been paying for his father's rent for a long time now, 4 years to be exact.

How much does he pay for it, you'd ask? Well, it is a huge amount of $2,900 per month. So if Lamar has been consistently paying for his dad's rent for 4 years now, and if you add them all up together, it is equivalent to $139,200. Just imagine the things you can buy with that amount of money.

Anyway, you should really not worry about the things that you could have bought if the money was used to help people, moreover, your parents.

However, Lamar has a lot to be angry about. According to the grapevine, as reported by TMZ, Lamar called his father, Joe Odom. He was infuriated because the elder Odom started saying hurtful things about him and the Kardashians.

Lamar still feels for the Kardashians. He can easily fight anyone who would say nasty things about them - even his own father.

Lamar married Khloe Kardashian on Sept. 27, only a month after the two met. This month marks the couple's supposedly fourth year anniversary, but the two aren't living together because Khloe kicked Lamar out of their house due to his addiction problems.

No one would want to live an unhappy married life. However, it is doubtful if the two will get back in each other's arms again. Although Lamar had big plans for their wedding anniversary, it just didn't push through the way he wanted, according to TMZ. Moreover, Khloe dropped his surname in both her Instagram and Twitter accounts.

As for Joe Odom, it would be best to avoid saying things that could hurt someone else, especially, the things that could hurt his son's feelings.