Basketball Player Lamar Odom Departs the New York State Supreme Court After a Child Custody Hearing with His ex-Girlfriend, Liza Morales, in Manhattan
IN PHOTO: Basketball player Lamar Odom departs the New York state Supreme Court after a child custody hearing with his ex-girlfriend, Liza Morales, in Manhattan, March 5, 2013. Reuters

Lamar Odom may have said he still loves Khloe Kardashian and that he was disappointed he was not beside Khloe on her 30th Birthday, but he has accepted that Khloe has moved on with French Montana according to reports. As such, this is why Lamar Odom is also moving on as well. Hollywood Life now reports Lamar Odom is currently seeing a blonde and he is truly happy being back to the dating game.

"She's in her 20s and they are definitely dating. He's really into her and they've been spending a lot of time together," Hollywood Life reports.

"He thinks she's fun and sexy....definitely a different type than what he normally goes for," the site reports.

It took Lamar Odom some time to accept the fact that his ex-wife, Khloe is already onto someone else and in a really serious relationship. Back on her birthday, Lamar was really feeling a bit down on as to why Khloe had already moved on while he still has not.

"While he wants nothing but for Khloe to be happy, he's jealous he wasn't there with her," reports. "He hates the fact she's with another man. He hasn't really come to grips that she's in what seems to be a real and committed relationship."

According to the report, Lamar was really upset because he knew Khloe was not just hooking up or casually dating French.

"It would be one thing if she and Montana were casually dating but this sh*t is for real and he's kinda pissed," the source of Hollywood Life continued. "Guess that's life."

It's not only Lamar Odom who has come into terms with Khloe and French's serious relationship. After all that has been said and done regarding Khloe's family not liking French, Hollywood Life recently reported that the whole family already loves him.

"The family loves him," Hollywood Life shared. "They are obviously so happy that Khloe is smiling and feels, for the first time in a really long time, that she can go out all day with a big smile on her face."

"Kris [Jenner] really, really likes him and so do all the girls... they all really like him," the source detailed. "At the end of the day they want what makes Khloe happy - and he makes her happy."