Basketball Player Lamar Odom Departs the New York State Supreme Court After a Child Custody Hearing with His ex-Girlfriend, Liza Morales, in Manhattan
IN PHOTO: Basketball player Lamar Odom departs the New York state Supreme Court after a child custody hearing with his ex-girlfriend, Liza Morales, in Manhattan, March 5, 2013. Reuters

Lamar Odom's hopes of getting his NBA career back are waning fast.

Lamar had a tough 2013. The winner of NBA's Sixth Man of the Year was busted for DUI, embroiled in cheating scandals, allegedly used drugs, and his marriage with Khloe Kardashian ended up in divorce. He suffered all those struggles in 2013, and to make things worse, he lost his NBA career. He last played for the Los Angeles Clippers, but became a free agent in July 2013.

In November 2013, Yahoo Sports reported that Lamar met with the Clippers for a possible contract offer. He had a two hour-long meeting with Doc Rivers and some of the Clippers players. However, his chances of getting signed again by the Clippers became cloudy after star point guard Chris Paul got injured. A source told Hollywood Life that the Clippers do not need another big man on their roster. Another factor that has shrunk Lamar's opportunity to play in the premiere basketball league was the signing of Hedo Turkoglou in January.

Lamar probably realised that he's not getting any younger. He is 34 now and he feels that his NBA career may really be over. Hollywood Life reported that Lamar is currently getting into shape and having some basketball sessions during the off-season, according to the source close to the basketball player.

"In the back of his mind, way back there, he knows his NBA career is finished," the source said. Even though Lamar is struggling to get his life back on track, the source also told the popular entertainment Web site that he remains hopeful. "He's determined and hoping for a miracle, he's staying healthy," the source added.

It must be really difficult for Lamar, but it is a good thing that he remains optimistic about the entire thing.

ESPN reported that Lamar's former Clippers coach Rivers isn't really ruling out other free agents to add on its team. "We're looking at everyone," Rivers said. "We're not going to stop looking," Rivers added. "We'll keep watching and paying attention to everyone - guards, bigs, everyone," said Rivers.

Despite the fact the Lamar has no career in the NBA, he is reportedly not worried about money. Hollywood Life stated that Lamar's friends think that he's already worth millions. According to Celebrity Net Worth, Lamar is worth $50 million.

The entertainment news Web site also reported that Khloe is giving Lamar half the money from the sale of their Tarzana mansion in California. "He's getting half of the money coming from the sale of his and Khloe's crib so he's good," said the source. Lamar is appreciative of Khloe's courteous and amenable gesture towards dividing the money. "He's hoping that the exchange and everything unraveling with him and Khloe will go as smoothly as possible," the source said.

Often times, a couple going through a divorce may find it hard to come to an agreement together especially when it comes to the division of assets and other properties. Lamar and Khloe are probably just working out what they think is fair for both sides.

As for Lamar, he's probably at the low points of his career, but he mustn't lose hope.